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1968 Yearbook, Organizations.
Indiana--History; Vincennes (Ind.)--History; College Publications
Left page: THE TRAILBLAZER: Top left picture: Joe M. Edwards, Editor and Chairman of the Editorial Board. Top picture: Jeanne Edmondson, Chairman of the Board. Editorial Board Pictures: Gary Graves, Photographer; Charlene Lane; Twila Terrell; Bob Sheaks, Sports Editor. Front page of an issue of The Trailblazer. Text: Describes the newspaper production, awards, and becoming an eight-page weekly. Right page: ALPHA THETA CHI. Actives: Mary Ann Ade, Doris Baute, Connie Beach, Kelly Beckes, Karen Branscome, Carol Cornelison, Vicki Chase, Diane Dalton, Judy Goben, Donna Gray, Meredith Hanson, Sue Hamilton, Pat Headley, Donna Holdash, Cheryl Lacefield, Jan Lannerd, Elaine Loesch, Terry Marshall, Ava McCall, Marsha Meyer, Becky Olson, Grace Paul, Carolyn Rains, Cindi Rinehart, Jane Rivers, Sherry Sanders, Connie Schmitz, Rita Schuckman, Peggy Smock, Brenda Snellenberger, Charlene Sollman, Linda Stair, Andrea Wilhite, Carol Whiten. Pledges: Judy Althoff, Mary Brewer, Brenda Burnworth, Carol Byrd, Phyllis Charles, Becky Deem, Susan Decker, Annette Detty, Becky Elkins, Carolyn Faust, Nancy Field, Paulette Field, Flenar, Sally Glen, Dee Dee Jacobs, Becky Kerns, Bev Kowalski, Cindy Laue, Cindy Leischer, Marilyn Mills, Paula Myette, Kathy Ponder, Mary Ann Pipher, Terry Rippy, Becky Robinson, Jerri Row, Kathy Russell, Andi Serafin, Cindy Taylor, Janeace Titterington, Janice Tompson, Karen Ueding, Sherri Williams, Marsha Wislocki, Linda Williams. Sponsors: Mrs. Mary Ann Lukens, Business Department; Mrs. Linda Salsmon, H.E.P. Secretary.Bottom left picture: Officers. List of Officers: Kelly Beckes, President; Grace Paul, Vice-President; Meredith Hanson, Secretary, Mary Anne Ade, Corresponding Secretary; Sherri Sanders, Treasurer; Terry Marshall, Pledge Master; Diane Dalton, Assistant Pledge Master; Charlene Sollman, Sorority Representative; Elaine Loesch, Historian; Pat Headley, Scholarship Director; Connie Schmitz, Scholarship Director. Text: Describes the sorority's history, activities, and purposes.
Vincennes University, Byron R. Lewis Historical Library
Vincennes University, Byron R. Lewis Historical Library