File #13349: "Year in Review 1997-1998, Activities, Alumni."

Year in Review 1997-1998, Activities, Alumni.

Dublin Core


Year in Review 1997-1998, Activities, Alumni.


Indiana--History; Vincennes (Ind. )--History; College Yearbooks


Pg. 8-9: HOMECOMING 1997: Left page: Text: Describes the weekend of Nov. 21, 1997, including the Homecoming Parade, Student Senate Celebrity Auction, the Annual Chili Luncheon, and naming of Bachelor of the Year and Homecoming Queen and Court. List of Alumni Faculty Citations: Joyce Painter Benjamin, John Gregg, Sherry Biddinger Gregg. Lists Recent Outstanding Alumni Award winners. Describes entertainment by Frederick Winters, hypnotist; crowning of Leon Simon, Bachelor of the Year; Holly Jabinski, Homecoming Queen; describes the Homecoming Parade, which had over 50 entries, including the Home Builders float, Parade Marshal's Award; Agricultural Technology float, Trailblazer Award; Print Club float, Blue and Gold Award. Top picture: Student Alumni Council's Garden of Eden float, President's Award winner. Middle top picture: John and Sherry Gregg, Faculty Citation winners. Middle left bottom picture: Gen. Robert J. Mitchell, Parade Marshal. Middle right bottom picture: Rene Vermillion, Presidents' Award winner. Bottom left picture: Edie May, Big Apple Award winner. Bottom right picture: Dr. & Mrs. Phillip M. Summers. Right page: Top left picture: Recent Outstanding Alumni Award winners: Left to right, front row: Peggy Gillespie, Shani Nielsen, Heidi Fornes. Back row: Sara Hilsmeyer, Jeffrey Tilley, Pete Talati, Rob Moskos. Top right picture: The Blazerettes Dance Team. Middle left picture: 1997 Homecoming Court: Leon Simon, Bachelor of the Year; Holly Jablonski, Homecoming Queen. Homecoming Court: Temeka Mintze, Maria Knox, Tori Hellenga, Mika Crist. Middle right picture: Bachelor Court: Lance Stephens, Dave Bennett, Javon Warfield, Trent Lewis. Bottom left picture: Student Senate Celebrity Auction: D.D. Meyer, Auctioneer; Adam Alexander, Master of Ceremonies; Nick Hall, Senator; Maria Knox, Student Senate President. Bottom right picture: Frederick Winters, hypnotist; assisted by Jenn Clements, Union Board, and other students.


Vincennes University, Byron R. Lewis Historical Library


Vincennes University, Byron R. Lewis Historical Library




: Vincennes University, Byron R. Lewis Historical Library







