File #3339: "1886-1887 Catalog, V.U. Building, Library, Cabinet (Museum), Appliances (Supplies), Laboratory, Discipline, Examinations."

1886-1887 Catalog, V.U. Building, Library, Cabinet (Museum), Appliances (Supplies), Laboratory, Discipline, Examinations.

Dublin Core


1886-1887 Catalog, V.U. Building, Library, Cabinet (Museum), Appliances (Supplies), Laboratory, Discipline, Examinations.


Indiana--History; Vincennes (Ind.)--History; College Publications


Pg. 36-37. Left page: THE UNIVERSITY BUILDING: Describes the University Building's location at the corner of Fifth and Busseron Streets, the building's contents: First floor: Office, two Recitation Rooms; Second floor: two large Recitation Rooms, Laboratory, Museum; Third floor: University Hall, capacity 450, Music Room; Library, Cloak Rooms, Closets; beautiful architecture, high ceilings, numerous registers, large windows, and baseburner heat. THE LIBRARY & READING ROOM: Describes the collection (4000 volumes), the recent purchase of 1000 volumes from the Vincennes Library Company, government publications, and a Reading Room, supplied with local newspapers, dailies, weeklies, magazines, and periodicals. CABINET: Describes the valuable collection of about 2000 specimens of fossils, bones, teeth, building stones, specimens of minerals and coal, tusk and bones of the Mastodon, archaeological specimens and relics, and volcanic rock; a request for geological and zoological specimens; a request for alumni and friends of the University to consider small contributions that will increase efficiency of the Dept. of Natural Science and the University. Right page: APPLIANCES: Describes the supply of maps, physiological charts, botanical charts, models, globes, a Students' microscope to replace the stolen Crouch microscope, Surveyor's Vernier Compass, Gunter's Chain. LABORATORY: Describes the apparatus and machines contained in the Laboratory, used for Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. DISCIPLINE: Describes the government of V.U. , based on the Golden Rule, expectations, constant impression of principles, respect for others, usefulness, and the fear of God, while not teaching any denominational doctrine or sectarian influence. EXAMINATIONS: Describes examinations for class standing.


Vincennes University, Byron R. Lewis Historical Library




Vincennes University, Byron R. Lewis Historical Library







